Keep It Creative
We strive to create art that resonates with its surroundings and connects with the people who experience it. Our mission is to bring creativity and vibrancy to every wall we touch, turning blank walls into stunning works of art. With talent, experience and passion, we are dedicated to making the most of each mural project, no matter the size or scope.
From initial concept to finished product, we work with you at every stage. We combine your vision with our experience to craft stunning, unique murals.
3-Step Process:
1. Discuss
Begin your mural project by scheduling an initial meeting with our team. During this phase, we’ll discuss your vision, preferences, and requirements for the mural. We will then provide you with a free quote for your project including timelines.
Helpful to have in advance:
- Wall measurements
- Photos of the walls and site area
- Any ideas / inspiration for the project
2, Design
Once the budget is approved, a deposit is required at this stage to proceed with the design. We begin by creating detailed designs and concept renderings. Share our vision for the project and include a few rounds of iterations to get the artwork just right.
Process Includes:
- Detailed concepts of the project
- Review presentation and adjustments
- Detailed scope and timeline of production
3. Deliver
With the design approved and the proposal accepted, our team will proceed to create and install the mural. This phase covers all the hands-on work, from preparing the site to the final touches of the mural.
Mural Production:
- Site preparation
- Mural painting
- Clean up and review
Looking for inspiration?
Check out some of the ways Up&Over have turned
blank walls into works-of-art.